Helen Lowry Hall is run by a team of enthusiastic and passionate people. The Head of Hall, Deputy Head of hall, office administrator and Residential Advisors are overseen by a board of trustees. Together they foster a community that provides a great place to live while you study.  

Head of Hall

Liza Bergantino-Mitu

Bachelor of Science: Microbiology & Biochemistry, Diploma in Teaching, Diploma in Restorative Practice 


Dianne Stevenson

Bachelor of Business: Accountancy, Chartered Accountant

Deputy Head of Hall

Komal Thakkar

Bachelor of Arts: Psychology, Masters: Educational Psychology

Residential Advisors

Hannah Collinson

Working towards BA: Psychology with Minor in Philosophy

Responsible for: Alan Lowe Block Area

Arts and culture RA

Logan Ross

Working towards a bachelors degree in Architecture majoring in Landscape Architecture 

Responsible for: Nicollete House, Sullivan House, Toomath House & Fuller House

Athletic RA

Sophia Kopyova

Working towards: BA + BCom: Management, Marketing, Chinese, Spanish

Responsible for: Packer Doust Block & Khouri House

Wellness RA

Miguel Manaig

Working towards BCom : Accounting + Commercial Law; minor in Taxation BA: Commerce  

Responsible for: Joanne Swan Block

Academic RA

Hall Dogs

Louie & Bear

Student Support Coordinators

Laura Clayton, Jess Coughlan, Ashley Elinoff, Ben Bachle, James Hill, Hester Reich

If you need to contact an SSC, you can fill in this form